Web Browser Extensions

I have developed the following browser extensions for chromium-based browsers. They are not available on the Chrome Web Store, but you can still install them by loading them as unpacked extensions.

New Tab HTML (GitHub)

Allows for your own custom HTML to be used as your browser's new tab page, overriding it. Example code is provided for website links, but any valid HTML is possible.

I was inspired to develop this because of Microsoft Edge (Chromium)'s horrible new tab page performance on startup, as well as Brave's inflexible and ugly new tab page (imho).

Skiprope (GitHub)

Register address bar keywords to use as webpage shortcuts. Useful for accessing complicated URLs with an easy-to-remember name, and without having to find it in your bookmarks. For example, standup zoom links: searching '! standup' can send you to https://zoom.us/j/XYZABC.

Developed as a response to an extension of similar name that forwards all search queries to its own server to perform a similar function, but is likely selling its users' search history.